Bear & Bailey

Influencer Spotlight with @corgibear_and_bailey

Meet Bear and Bailey from Winter Park, FL. Bear is a 4-year-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Bailey is a 1-year-old Golden Retriever. They may not be the same breed or actually related, but they act like true siblings. One minute they're playing like crazy, and the next they want their own personal space. They love going on walks (Bailey prefers morning runs before it gets too hot), swimming in the pool or at the beach, and getting belly rubs and scratches. Bear's pretty independent and Bailey loves to cuddle. They have two completely different personalities but they get along so well.

Dogs sitting on the kitchen floor.

The WeatherTech Pet Feeding System is perfect for Bailey because she's still a puppy who tends to make a mess pretty easily and these bowls keep that mess off the floors. They also make eating more comfortable for her since they're high up off the ground. Plus they keep Bear from getting into Bailey's food since he can't reach the high stand.

Collage of a golden retriever sitting next to and eating from a WeatherTech Pet Feeding System.

"Bailey loves her new food bowls! She can be a messy eater and drinker but this food bowl and placemat keeps everything off the floor -plus, it’s really easy to clean!" -@corgibear_and_bailey

Follow along with Bear & Bailey   

Collage of Bear and Bailey.

Keep up with @corgibear_and_bailey on instagram for all their upcoming adventures.

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