How to Clean Inside of a Windshield

Side-by-side comparison of a clean inside windshield and a dirty inside windshield.

Over time, the inside of your car windshield will inevitably see its share of dirt, grime and residue build-up that can impact visibility if not regularly cleaned. So it’s important to regularly clean the inside of your windshield in order to optimize your visibility on the road. Keeping your windshield clean is a relatively quick and simple process that shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes!

How to Clean an Inside Windshield: Step 1

Using a lint-free microfiber cloth, give the inside of your windshield a quick dusting off before you spray on any cleaner. This will help dislodge larger particles that may scratch the glass. The WeatherTech TechCare® Super White Microfiber Cleaning Cloth is ideal not just for cleaning your vehicle’s windows but for detailing, dusting and more! Available in a pack of four 16" x 16" cloths, these are machine washable and dryer safe so you can use them over and over again. Also, before moving onto step two, make sure to take a quick look at the glass cleaner you’re using. If the cleaner is ammonia-based, you may want to cover up any vinyl or leather surfaces near the windshield as ammonia may cause some damage to those materials.

Side-by-side comparison of a clean inside windshield and a dirty inside windshield.

How to Clean an Inside Windshield: Step 2

After dusting off the inside of your windshield, you can start applying the cleaner of your choice liberally to the inside of your windshield. We recommend using an interior windshield cleaner, such as WeatherTech’s TechCare® Anti Fog Interior Glass Spray. This cleaner cuts through tough dirt and grime, eliminates smudges and cigarette smoke film, helps neutralize odors and prevents fogging due to temperature variations caused by all weather types. Give the cleaner a few moments to cut through any built-up grime or film before wiping away.

WeatherTech Interior Glass Cleaner with Anti-Fog, an excellent interior windshield cleaner, sprayed onto the inside of a car’s windshield.

How to Clean an Inside Windshield: Step 3

Make sure to use a different lint-free microfiber cloth than the one you used to dust off your windshield and start wiping the cleaner off the glass. If one side of the rag starts to get dirty, switch to a clean side. If the entire rag is dirty, make sure to swap to a completely clean one. Go over the windshield a couple times to make sure it’s completely dry, that way there won’t be any streaks that show up after you’ve finished.

Now that the inside of your windshield is clean, you might want to take another few minutes to clean the rest of the interior of your vehicle’s windows. Simply just follow the above steps for each interior you want to clean for a streak-free shine every time! Make sure to check out the TechCare® page on for all your vehicle cleaning needs!


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